ASP – A tonic for our political polarity?

Regardless of your political persuasion, most agree that our populace has become so politically divided that we’re often unable to hear or listen to opposing views, much less engage in constructive conversation. Enter ASP – A Starting Point: A Starting Point is a video-based civic engagement platform created by Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, and technology entrepreneur Joe Kiani. ASP’s mission is to create a bipartisan channel of communication and connectivity between Americans and their elected officials with the goal of creating a more informed electorate. It is non-partisan and addresses the large issues of the day, and to each topic, there are 3 Democrats who respond, and 3 Republicans who respond, all in videos. This is refreshing, to put it mildly, and is being hailed on both sides of the isle. Check it out when you get a chance: Cheers!

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